XI-Unit & Measurement :: Error Calculation -Practice Paper – 03

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01. Two resistances R1 = (100 ± 3) Ω, R2 = (150 ± 2) Ω, are connected in series. What is their equivalent resistance?
02. The temperatures of two bodies measured by a thermometer are t1 = (20 + 0.5)°C, t2 = (50 ± 0.5)°C. Calculate the temperature difference and the error therein.
03. The length and breadth of a rectangle are (5.7 ± 0.1) cm and (3.4 ± 0.2) cm respectively. Calculate the area of the rectangle with error limits.
04. In time interval of (10 ± 0.1)second , an current of 10±0.2) A is passing through a wire  . Calculate the charge flowing through  the wire.
05.  In an experiment to determine density of an object mass and volume are recorded as, m = (3 ± 0.12) kg and V = (10 ± 0.2) m3 respectively. Calculate fractional error and percentage error in measurement of density .
06. Find the force on a plate of area ( 20 ± 0.2 ) m2 on which a pressure of (50 ± 0.5)Pa is applied .
07. Find the momentum of a body of mass ( 2.0 ± 0.002 )kg moving with a speed of (50 ± 0.5)ms-1 along a straight line .
08. Find the force acting on a body of mass ( 10 ± 0.002 )kg having an acceleration of (2± 0.5)ms-2 .
09. Find the volume of a cylinder of height ( 20 ± 0.01 )cm having a base area of (50 ± 0.02)cm2 .
10. Given A=10 ± 0.01 , B= 2 ± 0.002, C= 5 ± 0.1 and D= 100 ± 2 ,
(i) find ABCD with error calculation
(ii) find A + B + C + D with error calculation
(iii) find D – 5B + 2C with error calculation
(iv) find 2A – 7B with error calculation
(v) find AB + CD with error calculation

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