Science, as we know, is built up with facts as a house is with bricks. But a collection of facts is no more a science than a pile of bricks is a house. Physics is the science of matter, energy, time, and space. Physics is an experimental science believing in the theories, proved by observations.
Physics, today, is a broad and highly developed subject and the research related to Physics is divided into many fields, for example: mechanics, electricity, heat, sound, light, condensed matter, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and elementary particle physics. A solid footing in physics will always prepare you to be a leader in our increasingly technical world.
Physics is the foundation of all the physical sciences, such as chemistry, material science, and geology. Moreover, it is also important for many other fields of human endeavour: biology, medicine, computing, engineering, media, microbiology, nano- technology, etc.
Physics is basically divided into four sub-categories: Condensed Matter Physics; Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics; High-energy Physics; and Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Most physicists also specialize in either theoretical or experimental research, the former dealing with the development of new theories, and the latter dealing with the experimental testing of theories and the discovery of new phenomena and thus giving us important discoveries during the last four centuries and the good works still going on ….
Physics is an exciting & thought provoking subject which can constantly open new vistas for knowing about our world and Universe. Studying physics can provide you with a flexible foundation to support careers and help solve problems in diverse fields. Therefore, it is very important that as a student of physics one must be very clear in understanding the fundamentals and principles of physics. With this thought we have created this site to fill the doubts of your mind. Best of Luck!!!